Last updated: 16 Jul 2018 | 1921 Views |
Remember: You aren’t the only one
The huge chunk of the population that has been inked has survived the process - with awesome tattoos, too.
It will make you feel quite a bit better that the process to get a tattoo is not uncommon at all - people even go back for more. Thus, it can’t be intolerable, can it?
Chat with your artist
The majority of tattoo artists are quite affable people, and may enjoy talking with you while you get inked.
Striking up a conversation can be very useful to make the time go by more quickly, not to mention it can distract you from the discomfort. Most artists are also pretty used to reassuring people that it will be alright.
Though many artists do enjoy some conversation, there are some that want to put their time and energy completely towards their art. Try to gauge how your artists responds. If they are not very enthusiastic about talking, it may be better to distract yourself another way.
Come in comfortable attire
Having to stop your artist every few minutes to adjust your skirt or because you have to peel off a layer after having worn a thick jacket is definitely no fun.
Therefore, we encourage wearing a cozy outfit that you could sit in for awhile. You’re just getting a tattoo, so honestly, wear a pair of comfy sweatpants and a loose t-shirt if that’s what you feel comfortable in.
Take note that if you are getting a time-consuming tattoo, we highly recommend wearing less restrictive clothing as opposed to something tight.
Come with a full stomach
Not having a bite to eat before getting a tattoo can mean more for you than just your stomach growling. You may experience low energy levels and a lethargic feeling, which may cause you to feel the pain more intensely. Additionally, when the needles start pricking your skin, your blood sugar levels may drop and you may feel dizzy or queasy. Though this is not true for everybody, it is better to play it safe and have a meal before getting inked.